measurements gone

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23 October 2011, 09:54 AM
Diane in VA
measurements gone
I sort of understand no standard size numbers for 'people', but sizes for kids are very useful. 'Standard' sizes are usually close enough for wiggly kids--it's easy to add height, slim, or full to those descriptions. I have not updated yet--perhaps you did leave in standard children and doll measurements and only removed adult standard sizes?

Diane in Central Virginia
Computer Aided Threads
Livingsoft and Electric Quilt
23 October 2011, 10:19 AM
Janet Baker
I'm sad to to see the standard sizes go, too, and wish I'd printed them out at least. I have used them for all kinds of purposes, like planning crochet according to the general shape, which is fine for little sweaters. I have used them to fake a non-critical measurement of my own or to reality-check my attempts to get the perfect measurements. I used the bottom-half measurements for pj bottoms that don't require the perfect fit (I otherwise don't make or wear pants). I imagine they'll be available online somewhere, or at least hopefully.
23 October 2011, 10:51 AM
Kaaren Hoback
You can easily get a BETTER rendition based on 5 numbers using the measurement wizard.
23 October 2011, 11:02 AM
Janet Baker
Right, good to remember!
23 October 2011, 12:07 PM
Dress Shop
Originally posted by Diane in VA:
I sort of understand no standard size numbers for 'people', but sizes for kids are very useful. 'Standard' sizes are usually close enough for wiggly kids--it's easy to add height, slim, or full to those descriptions. I have not updated yet--perhaps you did leave in standard children and doll measurements and only removed adult standard sizes?

I somewhat mis-spoke about this. Future purchasers of Dress Shop do not get this option. Those that own Dress Shop 8 or 9 Standard or Pro will still have it, though.

Basically, we have had too many new buyers that started with those standard charts, then complained that they were not getting a custom fit. We hope to steer new buyers away from that mistake.

The point about children's charts is well taken, though. We'll find some compromise position for cases like that.

In any case, if you are or have been running Dress Shop 8 or 9 you will continue to have the standard sizing options in the Size menu after you get the update.

Board Administrator, Dress Shop App
23 October 2011, 12:14 PM
Janet Baker
Oh, then I'd better follow the steps the Board Admin gave me to get my files back--I'd get the standard sizes back? I'm on it (I hope! Looked daunting!).
23 October 2011, 12:53 PM
Dress Shop
Oh, then I'd better follow the steps the Board Admin gave me to get my files back--I'd get the standard sizes back?

I don't think we are talking about the same thing here, Janet. The Dress Shop Standard and Dress Shop Pro Size menu includes an option labeled "Standard Sizes". When you select that, you get a dialog box that allows you to select / build / create a "standard" size chart. You choose upper body size, lower body size, then modifiers such as tall and short, slim and Plus.

These are NOT saved files. You build them when you need them. They take less time to build than they would to load. So, do not go looking for any standard file size charts somewhere. The only saved measurement charts on your computer are ones that you put their yourself. Standards are not saved measurement sets.

Board Administrator, Dress Shop App
23 October 2011, 01:56 PM
Janet Baker
Oh and you know, they ARE there. The first time, Misses is "up" in the dialog box, and there were no sizes in the pull down menu to select one. But I clicked on Women's, and the sizes came in. Then they were there for Misses, too.

This is *good.*
23 October 2011, 11:28 PM
Hey Bob, Talking about lost measurements, I must be one of the weird ones. I followed all your instructions even though I had always been the administrator. I love Windows 7 but it is really different in some cases, like this. I never found a file named "MyMeasurements" even though the actual measurements were still somewhere because DressShop had them available when I actually designed a garment. MPD could never find them to import. Finally I did a search of the whole computer for "MyMeasurements". When the search finally ended after two or more hours, there were some little snippets listed and then, (ta dah) at the very end was the whole list of my measurements. And where were they "filed"? The only source for them was "Computer". Talk about cyber space! What I had to do was literally copy or move them, one by one, into a new MyMeasurements file I put under DressShop. Then, wonder of wonders, MPD actually found them.

Pamela in Texas
19 November 2011, 06:34 AM
I am so intimidated by computers that I won't even try to move the files. Windows 7 has my info in the (x86) Program Files folder but I am afraid to try and move anything because I have failed so many times and really made a mess. At this point, I am unable to do any sewing with my programs. Yuk!!