Default patterns on Doll shop

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05 July 2014, 03:57 PM
Default patterns on Doll shop
Why can't you print up the default patterns on Doll Shop? There a are a lot of good ones there and for the money I paid I would expect to have them too.
10 July 2014, 12:45 PM
Dress Shop
Originally posted by vlcreations:
Why can't you print up the default patterns on Doll Shop? There a are a lot of good ones there and for the money I paid I would expect to have them too.

Dress Shop and Doll Shop have over a thousand patterns available. When you purchase a core product, you get some of those. Doll Shop Deluxe, for instance, comes with 80 patterns included. Those are listed here:

There are other patterns that can be added to the core product. Those are included in various optional add-on pattern collections that may be purchased separately. You can preview those un-owned patterns using "File - Preview Default Patterns" to take a look before you buy.

Board Administrator, Dress Shop App
10 July 2014, 06:21 PM
For $300 you should get everything. Also, whatever happened to the empire dresses that had the gore type skirts? I seem to recall that the older versions had it.
And what's interesting is that ALL of those default patterns came with the older programs. They weren't something you needed to "add on".
12 July 2014, 11:23 AM
Dress Shop
For $300, you get what is in the product description on the web site. The list of included patterns has always been provided and was there when you purchased.

I am sorry you thought the optional, add-on collections were included. We had presumed that having them in the web store, listed as separate products with a separate price would have made that amply clear. We also added the warning label that reads: "All pattern collections require ownership of Dress Shop or Doll Shop to be used.", thinking that would make it also clear that they were not included in those core products.

In any case, no version of Dress Shop or Doll Shop has ever included every possible pattern that the programs can draft. There have always been optional add-on collections. If you remember otherwise, I can only conclude you have a vivid imagination.

Board Administrator, Dress Shop App
12 July 2014, 11:45 AM
Dress Shop
And what's interesting is that ALL of those default patterns came with the older programs. They weren't something you needed to "add on".

I checked your old customer account and notice that you once owned Dress Shop 4. You also had separately purchased Add-Ons 1 through 13, which included patterns that did not come with the core product. At one time, you were aware of the concept of add-on collections.

Livingsoft also used to have bigger collections such as the "Ultimate Suites", which included all patterns and tools. Those sold for between $1000 and $2500 at various times over the years. In recent years, as the number of patterns got larger, those collections were discontinued.

Board Administrator, Dress Shop App
09 July 2016, 08:50 PM
No I don't have vivid imagination and quite frankly you are very rude. When I had the old doll shop I could print ALL the default patterns such as the princess jackets. You obviously decided to screw the customers over when you bought this program from the creator. I plan on contacting the better business and telling them what a scam you are running.

I am also aware of the concept of the add ons and paying for them. Since you took the liberty of checking out what I bought in the past then you should be well aware that I previously spent a lot money on this program and several add ons. What you people did was screw owners of older versions over.

If I had known that the patterns I wanted were no longer part of the program I would have never purchased it. What I find is funny is your bait and switch. Shame on you for making such a great program crappy.

For $300 I should receive everything. The original didn't even cost that much even with all the add ons I purchased.

The people who bought this saw a quick easy way to make money. It's disgusting.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: vlcreations,
10 July 2016, 12:12 PM
Dress Shop
First, I would like to apologize for those responses. They were poorly phrased and not overly helpful.

I need to point out that those response were from the previous owner of Dress Shop. The responses were written in July of 2014. I, Anna Nguyen, the new owner, only took over Dress Shop in August 2015, as you can see from my post introducing myself, here:

One of my goals as the new owner of Dress Shop is much improved customer service. Previously, even though customer service responses have been very timely and very helpful, they have been, shall we say, a little lacking in bedside manner!

That said, I will look into this issue and see what the issues might be. According to the sales records, you bought:

You should be able to print every pattern that are in the latest Dress Shop version and Dress Shop add-ons and latest Doll Shop version that you have bought. If a pattern is not in the latest versions of Dress Shop and Doll Shop, then you won't be able to print it. Some of the patterns have changed over time, for whatever reason (again, that predated my ownership), and are no longer available. This is akin to, for example, features in an older version of Microsoft Word being eliminated or replaced by other features.

If there is a specific pattern that you absolutely must have, let me know and I will see whether it's possible to do something to make tat available to you again, though, software being what it is, I can't promise that such a thing would be possible. Besides replying on here, please also feel free to email me directly at

10 July 2016, 01:17 PM
I for one am grateful that you are continuing to support DressShop.

Thank you!

11 July 2016, 04:40 AM
Mr. Pat
One of the things that might help your search that I encountered from the previous owner was that a specific garment package that had 10 -15 patterns might get dropped and its patterns moved either into the program basic package or into a newer larger add-on package. I know that happened to me at least twice since version 3 something. Hope that helps your searches.