Old discussion List

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13 October 2005, 09:22 PM
<Morgan Babb>
Old discussion List
How do I access the previous discussion list? I have some fit problems that were discussed there earlier and wanted to look them up rather than rehashing them again. I could not find the access to it on the livingsoft web site (which probably means I simply over looked it). I wrote support and got no response that I was aware of.
13 October 2005, 09:33 PM
Dress Shop
Hello Morgan,

The old discussion list no longer operates. It might be possible to search old archives, but I am unaware of how to do that and can no longer log in myself.

Go ahead and ask your quesions and we'll do our best to answer them for you.


Board Administrator, Dress Shop App
14 October 2005, 04:21 AM
Originally posted by Morgan Babb:
How do I access the previous discussion list? I have some fit problems that were discussed there earlier and wanted to look them up rather than rehashing them again. I could not find the access to it on the livingsoft web site (which probably means I simply over looked it). I wrote support and got no response that I was aware of.

Hi Morgan,
Maybe you could start a new topic here and describe your fit issue. That way we could create a new archive here of fit issue for use.

Also, what is the best way to search this board for past topics? I too often look over archives for redundant issues and was wondering how to best do it on this board.
14 October 2005, 12:10 PM
Kaaren Hoback
The old discussion ist is NOT an official company sponsored list and has not been for soem time.

The list itself and archives are no longer available.

This list has the disadvantage of being relatively new without a long historical archive; however, there are many power users, educators and staff available to answer your questions.
