I have never been able to use MPD on my Win7 pro laptop. It is always a "Demo" even after activation. DS on this same laptop works fine. They were downloaded one after the other with "as administrator" selected. I would really like to get MPD working soon - my XP desktop is getting old and when it dies I probably won't replace it.
Anyone else have this problem?
Hi Joan,
While this specific problem has not been reported, it does sound like one of the typical symptoms of registry corruption. There are generally three broad categories of issues that I hear about with either Dress Shop or MPD. Those are:
1. Some flaw with the pattern draft logic. These have been very rare in recent years.
2. Bad patterns produced from some measurement issue. These are common and easy to fix. I just have to track down which measurement needs to be retaken and revised.
3. Problems with the system registry. These are VERY COMMON. Typical symptoms are problems printing, saving data, or reloading data. Any of those symptoms is usually caused by corruptions in the Windows system registry. This is very common, which is why there are so many free registry clean and repair tools out there. I use Glary Utilities, but others work just as well. You can get the free version of Glary from here:
http://www.glarysoft.com/ After you download the utility, install it, run it, and tell it to fix the hundreds of errors that it always finds. You will then need to reinstall some recent version of your program. It is during the install that registry entries are created. So, even if the program is there and working, you still need to install to get those registry entries restored.
That's it. 99.9% of issues related to printing, loading, or saving will be fixed by this. That other .1% - you need to send in a problem report for a more personalized look-see...