New Update

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27 September 2005, 11:30 AM
Cindy Selzler
New Update
Before I download the update, I need to make sure I have it straight what the tests we did actually did. The patch we tested and reported our results awhile ago used the high waist number when we downloaded the patch, correct? So with the new update, if I used the patch just as it downloaded it would have used my high waist offset as the amount of change it entered, is this correct? Want to know where I was with the patch. The patch worked for me just as I downloaded it so need to know what number to put in that measurement to get just what the patch did.
27 September 2005, 11:57 AM
Kaaren Hoback
PUT the changed number in dress waist offset and the TRUE number back in high waist.
27 September 2005, 03:52 PM
Cindy Selzler
Did the patch use the exact number we had in the high waist when we downloaded it or some % of that number?
27 September 2005, 03:52 PM
Before I download the update, I need to make sure I have it straight what the tests we did actually did. The patch we tested and reported our results awhile ago used the high waist number when we downloaded the patch, correct? So with the new update, if I used the patch just as it downloaded it would have used my high waist offset as the amount of change it entered, is this correct? Want to know where I was with the patch. The patch worked for me just as I downloaded it so need to know what number to put in that measurement to get just what the patch did.

Everything you wrote here is exactly correct. To get the same pattern with the update that you got with the patch, just enter the same number you are currently using for "High Waist Offset" into the new "Dress Waist Offset" field and you should be good to go.

(Bob Clardy)
27 September 2005, 04:34 PM
Kaaren Hoback
The patch did not change your offset.
If you wanted to change eit yuou entered a different number.

if you didnt try the parch but you already know your waist shaping runs a little north or south you can enter a positive number to raise the waist side or a negative number to lower it.

IF you dotn yet know how the fitted blosue or sheath side seam shaping wears on need to make a trial and see.

If you like what you have dont do a thing!
27 September 2005, 05:10 PM
Cindy Selzler
Great! Thanks for the info.