09 January 2011, 05:09 AM
LlantrisantPaper piecing
Presently I am practicing paper piecing,I must say that it can be addictive.What do others say here on the list about it?
I went to quilterscache and downloaded a simple pattern to try it out.I plan to put 4 small blocks onto the back of a vest i am making to match some pants i recently finished. Ohhhh the fit it absolutely wonderfulboth pieces too.
15 January 2011, 06:37 PM
kstevensI've done a fair amount of paper piecing. What I like about it is it's very precise with very sharp points. However, it's not faster which is what I had thought before trying it. Also, make sure you cut your pieces of fabric large enough, especially for pieces on an angle. Ask me how I know! The other thing that's nice is that you don't have to cut pieces on the grain because the paper stabilizes it. Make sure you leave the paper in until you have all the pieces sewed.
Karen in Lancaster Co. PA
21 January 2011, 07:33 AM
LlantrisantI did a practice on paper piecing,but made a mistake on cutting some pieces large enough,we don't learn unless we try it eh?so next time i shall measure the correct piece to apply to the next one.

thanks for your help on this karen.

21 January 2011, 09:38 AM
SandiCI think we all have the tendency to avoid wasting fabric, so we try to get it as close as we can. However, if you're like me, I can't really tell if it will cover the whole pattern until I turn it over. It has to do with that whole spatial thing that I don't have. Anyway, you don't really have to measure. Take your fabric, lay it right side up over the pattern, hold your hand against the sewing line and you will see how big you have to cut it.
21 January 2011, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by SandiC:
I think we all have the tendency to avoid wasting fabric, so we try to get it as close as we can. However, if you're like me, I can't really tell if it will cover the whole pattern until I turn it over. It has to do with that whole spatial thing that I don't have. Anyway, you don't really have to measure. Take your fabric, lay it right side up over the pattern, hold your hand against the sewing line and you will see how big you have to cut it.
Thanks Sandi,I shall put that to practice next job!