What makes you feel good?
02 September 2007, 11:24 AM
LlantrisantWhat makes you feel good?
I feel good when all my housework is finished.I feel good when i design a garment for myself,and buy some new fabric to start a project.A sunny day makes me feel good,a nice hot bath,walk in nature.Most of all what makes me feel good, is my health being the best it can be.
03 September 2007, 07:14 PM
Janet BabbI celebrated my 60th B'day this summer and as you mentioned and am more thankful than ever for my health. I went to Ireland alone this summer and did things I never thought I would be able to do, am planning another adventure for next year. The house we bought last year is being redone, and I just bought a walk behind tractor to work in the yard to till up the garden, maintain the lawn and to help clear part of the property. I have the fruit trees ordered for spring.
I love being able to see what I have accomplished at the end of the day. As I see the colors of the trees changing I am gearing up to start sewing again. Have rearrange my sewing room and staked a claim on my husbands laptop. I have been looking at the over 40 collections that Karen posted, so many options, so little time. One of me goals this winter is to be able to participate in the classes on Sunday.
Knowing that I have a dream job that I love and look forward to is another blessing that helps me feel good.

04 September 2007, 10:33 AM
Carol in Pacific NWHi Janet,
Can I ask what your dream job is?
Just curious

MPD Pro DS Pro 7.02, Pattern Library (1-14 & up through 1046), FD1&2, UP, UO, Hat Shop, Doll Shop Deluxe, Princess Designer, Fit Tool, illusions, Hat shop, Spring & Summer 2005, Activewear II Windows XP, IE 6 CanonS520 Men's Essentials
04 September 2007, 07:13 PM
Janet BabbSure Carol,
I am the Social Work Supervisor for the VA Medical Center here, and Coordinator for the Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program. Many focused on Vet's with PTSD, although we work with anyone who needs intensive treatment.
We moved to Connecticut about a 1 1/2 years ago, so I could accept the position. I tell everyone I will be working there until I'm 80.

05 September 2007, 06:51 PM
bobbieannI feel good when I can get to my sewing machine in that disaster of a sewing room. GGG
Have to straighten up before the next project.
And I feel good cause I finally found the fabrics that I want to make for my story board...then onto the 3 piece class project.
Gentle Hugs,
Bobbieann in N. E. Georgia
05 September 2007, 11:27 PM
Carol in Pacific NWthanks

MPD Pro DS Pro 7.02, Pattern Library (1-14 & up through 1046), FD1&2, UP, UO, Hat Shop, Doll Shop Deluxe, Princess Designer, Fit Tool, illusions, Hat shop, Spring & Summer 2005, Activewear II Windows XP, IE 6 CanonS520 Men's Essentials
06 September 2007, 09:42 PM
CarolI am the Social Work Supervisor for the VA Medical Center here, and Coordinator for the Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program. Many focused on Vet's with PTSD, although we work with anyone who needs intensive treatment.
As the wife of a Vietnam vet and the mother of a Navy JAG lawyer in Afghanistan, I thank you for your service to our armed forces. I always get into a sewing project to take my mind off "whatever." My daughter, the lawyer, doesn't need clothes these days. She looks like a potato in the desert cammies she has to wear. What a couple of well placed darts could do for those things.
Carol in California