24 October 2005, 09:55 AM
<Sassy>Printed Page
Has anyone noticed a difference in the printed pattern w/ regards to where the holes are located? Also, about row C3 the pages no longer line up? I don't believe I have a problem w/ the printer. I printed the pant sloper twice and both times the results are the same. I have never had a problem w/ this before. But, I haven't used DS in a few months.
The holes seems to be located inside the margin more. I know this because I can no longer line the holes up w/ my peg board. (I have not changed my DS set up).
The holes will line up properly until I get to the C row and then the C row will not line up w/ the previous holes.
My printer did not skip any pages or slip.
The result is a pant sloper that is much shorter than my measurements.
I checked the manual and cannot find a clue.
I'm about to go crazy w/ this. I just wanted to check my sloper against my measurements because of the download changes. Something always changes with these downloads, I've simply got to stop downloading!!
Your help is greately appreciated.
I'm currently using DS 6.12 now plus other good DS stuff.
24 October 2005, 10:11 AM
Dress ShopDo check your page set up on your printer.
I am notable to replicate a print problem.
Make sure the printer settings and the DS page set up are in synch.
I like to save a little paper so I personally use margin settings to 0.5 for top and bottom and 0.25 for left and right. this allows a measured 1 inch overlap on 8.5 by 11 inch paper between the 1 and 2 rows. and between columns A to B etc. I use a large gridded cutting board and a very good 18 inch ruler when putting together my patterns.
Registration marks must always be 3 Inches apart.
Since I print so many patterns and I buy inexpensive printers ( cheaper to replace them every 6 months or so...) you might notice that the wheel that pushes the paper through is only on one side attached to a fly cord. This wheel can wear unevenly.
About every month I clean that wheel and make sure there isnt a lot of paper lint, scraps froma prior "jam" clogging things up.
All too often I have something ( coffee mug) in the way of the delivery tray which will cause a jam.
24 October 2005, 06:28 PM
Diane DayFor Barbara whose pant sloper is shorter than her measurements because the holes in the printed pattern aren't aligning with her peg board.
Revisit the DS page setup instructions. DS prints to your Windows operating system's default printer, and if you haven't used DS for several months but you or someone else has been printing from other programs during that time chances are the printer settings are changed. DS target marks must align 3 inches apart vertically from one page to the next or your printed pattern will not be what you expect.
More importantly, if you are trying to make DS printout match a pegboard setup you need to follow the instructions to do that which are not in the Dress Shop program, nor endorsed by Livingsoft or LivingSoftNW. Laura Diltz shared instructions for her personal pegboard at
http://www.agicc.com/DressShop/jig.htm. Personally, it seems much easier just to align the holes on the pages according to DS instructions than to try to match pegs too.

27 October 2005, 02:01 PM
KellyLofticeI have noticed the same thing but thought it might just be my printer. Checked all the margins, no changes, they agree with each other. My workaround is just to look at the lines of the pattern and match them up. Usually only happens on one row or one column.
27 October 2005, 03:21 PM
Diane Dayquote:
Originally posted by KellyLoftice:
I have noticed the same thing but thought it might just be my printer. Checked all the margins, no changes, they agree with each other. My workaround is just to look at the lines of the pattern and match them up. Usually only happens on one row or one column.
Please do not align pattern pages by the pattern lines. Always make sure targets are 3 inches apart according to instructions.
Why? To prevent the possibility of inaccuracy. For example, if you are setting top/bottom margins at .5 inch and your printer's minimum bottom margin is .625 you could see a minor discrepancy--but maybe enough to make you think there's a glitch in the program. In this case if you align the target marks 3 inches apart you might see a .125 inch vertical gap between lines from one sheet to the next.