Can't get logged in
07 July 2005, 12:55 PM
Dress ShopCan't get logged in
There are a percentage of you all that are having trouble getting your login in to work. I'm working with the Host Administrator on this. I believe it is no fault of yours, just a system glitch. Turns out that our email server was getting upgrades during the openning day of our board

and might have been eating some emails. Once I have an answer, I'll post it here and in the FAQ page.
Thanks for you patience,
Greg Hightower
Board Administrator, Dress Shop App
07 July 2005, 01:02 PM
Dress ShopHi all,
This is the first responce from the Host Admin. I'm going to send this out to people that have contacted me, but wanted to post this for everyone. I haven't heard back from ony of the users that have tried this yet. I'll post here when I have any answers. Thanks!
Hello Greg,
Thanks for contacting us about this. Is this happening to everyone or just to a couple of people? Would it be possible to get their login info? If they don't want it posted here, they can email it directly to me at . One thing to try is clearing the cache on their browsers as well as their cookies from your site. Here's a browser settings FAQ that might be helpful - can delete their cookies from your site by going to and selecting the "delete cookies" option. If they were logged in, that would log them out, so they would need to login again. Please let me know if that helps. Thanks!
Laurie Rodriguez
Groupee Guide Virtuoso
Board Administrator, Dress Shop App
07 July 2005, 01:05 PM
Dress ShopAlso of note: reading the fAQ from the previous post, this could be a personal firewall issue for some. The FAQ seems to have advice there as well.
Board Administrator, Dress Shop App
07 July 2005, 01:53 PM
Connie AGreg- This might be everyone who registered before the settings were restricted yesterday. At least this is what happened for me. I think your restricted group access might be causing part of this problem.
I had set up each forum list and let them send individual emails. So far, I have not set any email notifications up for the new account.
conniea 1st account. I can not get to that one. I am getting emails from that one.
connie 2nd account. I can access this one. Have no email sending set up at all. I also can not get a new message to appear on the site to start a message, but I can respond to a received email by using reply.
I think the admin change yesterday froze all accounts and didn't even allow us to log in ourselves. I think most of us added a new account. Those receiving duplicate emails have the new account sending email as well as the first account.
Of course, I am just guessing here. I have don't extensive software testing as part of my business, and hope this info can help.
Connie Amundson
Connie A - Princeville HI
MPD Pro 2 2009
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07 July 2005, 01:55 PM
Connie Acorrection---
I have done extensive software testing as part of my business.... was trying to let you know I have had to solve problems like this in other software. Never said I could type right... LOL
Connie A - Princeville HI
MPD Pro 2 2009
28 patterns & all collections-
DS7 Pro Fashion Designer Suite 7 - Everything-
Hat Shop 1.1update
Win XP Pro sp3 - IE 8 -
HPDJ wireless 6100 series
07 July 2005, 02:01 PM
TracyGreg, I am one of THOSE that is listed twice. I cannot log into Groupee with the email address of .... I can log on with the email address of ... not sure if that is important.
I did try deleting the cookies, etc. and I really don't think that is the problem since I can log in with one email but not the original email that I used to sign up with.
Hope this helps. I know you must be feeling very overwhelmed/pressured. Thanks for all that you are doing.
07 July 2005, 02:09 PM
Dress ShopHi Connie,
Good guess. But in this case, all I did was remove the "Notifications" tab, I didn't change anyone's settings. At least not knowingly

I haven't yet found the common thread on this. I'm hoping the worse case is that some user will just have to delete the account and create it a second time. The new FAQ forum will post this info as soon as I have it. The Host Admin responced with how to delete the cookie the system uses to remember you. If we need to delete these bad accounts, I'll help everyone do it. I'm hoping it can be done simply and let everyone have the account they want.
Keep an eye on the FAQ Forum.
Board Administrator, Dress Shop App
07 July 2005, 02:13 PM
Dress Shopquote:
Originally posted by Tracy:
I did try deleting the cookies, etc. and I really don't think that is the problem since I can log in with one email but not the original email that I used to sign up with.
Thanks for the responce. I'm almost sure now that this is a DB hickup on the Host. I was
just writting them a note asking how you users can resolve this (most likely deleting the bad account so it can be recreated). Soon...
Hope this helps. I know you must be feeling very overwhelmed/pressured. Thanks for all that you are doing.

Ummm. Ya. I know it would be hectic but didn't expect the login issues. They are the worst because they keep folks from getting here to see the solutions. It's only been a couple days and I'm sure we can collect eveyone into the folk again. Leave nobody behind!
Board Administrator, Dress Shop App
07 July 2005, 02:23 PM
Connie ADo you have a way to see the time the accounts were created? If yes, if anyone created their account that later didn't let them have access after you changed the notifications setting, then my guess is wrong.
If however, everyone with this issue set up the account before that change, while it seems very innocent, it must have had some bearing on the accounts.
Sort of like our patterns, changing one number can really make issues elsewhere... maybe this simple seeminly innocent action had more inner connections than you thought.
Good luck... I am not in any critical state for this solution...just trying to help.
I love the new list... do think being able to work in our own mail programs is needed, but the old list always seemed very user unfriendly to me. I had suggested it get over to a Yahoo group eons ago.
Bet you will sleep much better when this all settles down... at least I always did when working on a new version of anything for testing... LOL
Connie A - Princeville HI
MPD Pro 2 2009
28 patterns & all collections-
DS7 Pro Fashion Designer Suite 7 - Everything-
Hat Shop 1.1update
Win XP Pro sp3 - IE 8 -
HPDJ wireless 6100 series
07 July 2005, 03:19 PM
Kaaren HobackI was signed in before Greg deleted notifications and I never had the log in Im not sure thats the reason
07 July 2005, 03:28 PM
Connie Abut you have admin status, don't you?
That could be why.
Connie A - Princeville HI
MPD Pro 2 2009
28 patterns & all collections-
DS7 Pro Fashion Designer Suite 7 - Everything-
Hat Shop 1.1update
Win XP Pro sp3 - IE 8 -
HPDJ wireless 6100 series
07 July 2005, 03:50 PM
Elsa-TxConnie wrote:
Do you have a way to see the time the accounts were created? If yes, if anyone created their account that later didn't let them have access after you changed the notifications setting, then my guess is wrong.
I created my account after the individual options were gone. I could only set notification for all forums. I looked for an individual option.
There is an advantage to having two accounts. I turned off notifications on the second account I set up because I was getting double emails. Since the first account is the one sending the emails to my inbox but I have to send emails from the second one...I get my own emails.

07 July 2005, 03:53 PM
Kaaren Hobacki can have admin status but im logged in as just like everyone else.
07 July 2005, 05:06 PM
LindaFHi Craig,
I am one of the ones who got locked out. I am back in, but that is because I created a new account.
My DH is a computer science major/geek and he did everything listed in the FAQ and set up the trusted host site on our firewall and checked our clock. We did all the things listed and it still would not work. He also said that no "normal" person would be able to do this on their own, I think he meant me.

So now I have two accounts, when I can finally get to my original account I will delete it. But wanted to let you know in the meantime.
Hope this helps you in some way,
07 July 2005, 06:18 PM
My husband wanted me to point out to you that I could not have created a second account because I used the same email address to create the new account that I had for the first account, therefore it technically not a second account. Does this sound logical to you?
He also said that if I could in fact create a second account with my email that anybody could take my email address and create yet another account on this board using that email addres. Is this true?