Introducing Anna Nguyen! :)

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11 December 2015, 09:47 AM
Anna Nguyen, Dress Shop App
Introducing Anna Nguyen! :)
Hello all,

My name is Anna Nguyen. I am a new member of the Dress Shop team. I started a couple of months ago and have been getting my feet wet with all this Dress Shop stuff. Please allow me to introduce myself.

I am a software engineer by training and by trade. I attended NYU and graduated with a degree in Computer Science and Mathematics. That was many many moons ago and that will be all that I will admit about the timing of that Smiler . I started sewing when I was in college, wanting to have clothes that better fit my skinny frame. I taught myself to sew. Practicing made perfect and I would consider myself a very advanced sewist today.

From that beginning, I expanded my hobby into pattern drafting and fashion design. I scoured every public library and the library of the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) for any pattern drafting books I could get my hands on. I like to think that I have a pretty good handle on pattern drafting.

Recently, I took a leave of absence from my "day job" as a software engineer at a start-up company here in Austin, TX. I intended to start a custom tailoring business catering to transgender women. Somewhere along the way, a friend from my sewing group, a long-time user of Dress Shop, learned that the Dress Shop team was looking for new "talent". She put me in touch with Bob and here I am!

I look forward to interacting with all y'all and getting to know you. Here's to a new and lasting relationship with all of you!

11 December 2015, 11:55 AM
Dress Shop
Originally posted by annaaustintx:
Hello all,

My name is Anna Nguyen. I am a new member of the Dress Shop team. I started a couple of months ago and have been getting my feet wet with all this Dress Shop stuff. Please allow me to introduce myself.

I am a software engineer by training and by trade. I attended NYU and graduated with a degree in Computer Science and Mathematics. That was many many moons ago and that will be all that I will admit about the timing of that Smiler . I started sewing when I was in college, wanting to have clothes that better fit my skinny frame. I taught myself to sew. Practicing made perfect and I would consider myself a very advanced sewist today.

From that beginning, I expanded my hobby into pattern drafting and fashion design. I scoured every public library and the library of the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) for any pattern drafting books I could get my hands on. I like to think that I have a pretty good handle on pattern drafting.

Recently, I took a leave of absence from my "day job" as a software engineer at a start-up company here in Austin, TX. I intended to start a custom tailoring business catering to transgender women. Somewhere along the way, a friend from my sewing group, a long-time user of Dress Shop, learned that the Dress Shop team was looking for new "talent". She put me in touch with Bob and here I am!

I look forward to interacting with all y'all and getting to know you. Here's to a new and lasting relationship with all of you!

I'm delighted that Anna is ready to talk about this. As some of you may have heard, I have been looking to gradually retire from most of what I have been doing at Livingsoft and Anna is making that possible. The fact that she sews and actually measures people should make her better at giving advice on those topics than I was able to provide. Anna's pattern drafting experience is similar to Kaaren's background, so fresh design ideas should again be expected.

I will continue to assist from the background for the indefinite future, as needed. I hope and expect that Livingsoft will improve and prosper for many years to come with this hand off successfully accomplished. Best wishes, all....
11 December 2015, 05:26 PM
Dress Shop
I will continue to assist from the background for the indefinite future, as needed. I hope and expect that Livingsoft will improve and prosper for many years to come with this hand off successfully accomplished. Best wishes, all....

Sorry, I forgot to sign that and I am no longer the solo admin for the forum.

- Robert Clardy
Livingsoft Customer Support
My Pattern Designer Customer Support
General Programmer for both products for the past 15 years or so