Could someone please explain the difference between Doll Shop Deluxe 9 ($129.00) and Doll Shop Deluxe and Doll Artist ($99.00)?
The lower priced one was the version from many years ago (Doll Shop 5) that worked with a limited selection of patterns and none of the tools and options that have been added in versions 6, 7, 8, and 9 of the pattern drafting software. It was an archived web page that had no links to the rest of the site and should only be reachable using a search engine. You can often search for and find left-over, disconnected web pages hanging around. Even when they are removed from the web site, they continue to exist on computers in individual "Temporary Internet Files" folders. Those will not disappear until you clean that folder or revisit the page and ask your browser to refresh (press F5) to force it to fetch a new copy of the page. Only then will they fully disappear.