Meeting Tuesday, June 20, 10:30 a.m. in St. Davids

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16 June 2006, 09:08 AM
Marj in Southeastern PA
Meeting Tuesday, June 20, 10:30 a.m. in St. Davids
Since you've already (we hope) marked your calendar for next Tuesday, here's what we're looking to do at our Greater Philadelphia DressShop Users' Group/ASG Custom-fit Software SIG meeting:

- greet some new people who are "first-timers"
- help others get past the "paper-doll" stage of putting together patterns
- welcome back some who've become interested again because of software improvements
- continue to share the benefits of custom-fit software

What are you making? Have you looked at the menswear patterns and made plans (and/or garments) for men you love? What differences do My Pattern Designer's new collections make in your sewing plans?

As usual, we'll critique finished garments or "works in progress," fit slopers, and exchange information about all sorts of sewing and/or computer questions.

All are invited, whether you own and use computer software to custom-fit patterns, want to learn more about the techniques, or simply want to "talk sewing" with friends. We'll begin about 10:30 a.m., break for an inexpensive lunch at a local diner, and finish up about 3:30 p.m. If you need driving or SEPTA directions, email to get what you need. RSVP to

Marj in Southeastern PA
DS Pro everything
MPD Pro current