Custom-fit Software meets in St. Davids on April 8

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02 April 2008, 06:27 AM
Marj in Southeastern PA
Custom-fit Software meets in St. Davids on April 8
Friends, finally (suddenly?) it's spring. To match the drifts of daffodils and forsythia, the spring clothes come out...but some of them sadly need updating or replacing. Custom-fit software to the rescue! Check through your stash, turn loose your imagination, draft some patterns, and sew! And come to the meeting of the custom-fit software SIG of Philadelphia ASG in St. Davids from about 10:30 to 3:30 on April 8.

Much-better-than-RTW fit is the purpose and the goal of using your computer printer to spit out pattern that actually bend that flat piece of yardgoods into the shape you see in the mirror. We'll look at slopers, works-in-progress, and finished garments to praise the successes and overcome the challenges. We'll check measurements and figure out how best to get these tools to serve us.

As usual, we'll go to a local diner for lunch. Everything else is up to you who come. Whether you actively use pattern-drafting software (e.g., My Pattern Designer, Garment Designer, DressShop, PatternMaster), lurk at the designers' websites, or simply want to know how these tools can help you, you're welcome to join our small but lively group.

RSVP for planning purposes.

Marj in Southeastern PA
DS Pro everything
MPD Pro current