Phila. Custom-fit Software in St. Davids, Tuesday, Jan. 12

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06 January 2010, 07:48 PM
Marj in Southeastern PA
Phila. Custom-fit Software in St. Davids, Tuesday, Jan. 12
Friends, winter sometimes gives us unexpected sewing time when "the weather outside is frightful!" At the next meeting of the Custom-fit Software SIG of Phila. ASG on Tuesday, January 12, from about 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in St. Davids, we'll consider the possibilities. What kind of garments do you have in-process, drafted and ready to cut, or nudging your imagination? We'll explore how to use pattern-drafting software to make real, positive differences in how you use your sewing time. Our favorite guru, Selma Whitaker, is driving up from western Virginia especially for the meeting.

Current in-progress projects and plans will be objects for "show and tell." Do you have an up-coming event that represents a challenge? or a piece of fabric that's calling out from your stash? We'll check measurements as needed and perhaps tweak a sloper, continuing to see how pattern-drafting software can handle all sorts of fitting challenges. As usual, we'll head off to a local diner for lunch and more good conversation on all sewing topics. (Selma and I believe the fair weather will hold; however, if the meeting needs to be cancelled, I'll send out an email notice at 12 noon on Monday, January 11.)

All are welcome, whether or not you use or own pattern-drafting software. For directions to the meeting - either driving or walking a block from the SEPTA R5, send an email to .

Marj in Southeastern PA
DS Pro everything
MPD Pro current