Tuesday, March 9: Custom-fit Software SIG to meet in St. Davids

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03 March 2010, 06:24 AM
Marj in Southeastern PA
Tuesday, March 9: Custom-fit Software SIG to meet in St. Davids
Friends, winter certainly has given us unexpected sewing time when "the weather outside is frightful!" At the next meeting of the Custom-fit Software SIG of Phila. ASG on Tuesday, March 9, from about 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in St. Davids, we'll consider the possibilities. What kind of garments do you have in-process, drafted and ready to cut, or nudging your imagination? We'll explore how to use pattern-drafting software to make real, positive differences in how you use your sewing time.

Current in-progress projects and plans will be objects for "show and tell." Do you have an up-coming event that represents a challenge? or a piece of fabric that's calling out from your stash? (For example, what do you do with that luscious length of turquoise "Minkie" that called out at G Street? the totally excess but beautiful Hawaiian cotton & poly print?) We'll check measurements as needed and perhaps tweak a sloper, continuing to see how pattern-drafting software can handle all sorts of fitting challenges. As usual, we'll head off to a local diner for lunch and more good conversation on all sewing topics.

All are welcome, whether or not you use or own pattern-drafting software. For directions to the meeting - either driving or walking a block from the SEPTA R5, send an email to . In fact, please send an email about whether or not you're planning to come.

Marj in Southeastern PA
DS Pro everything
MPD Pro current