Custom-fit Software meets in St. Davids, Tues., Feb. 14

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09 February 2012, 08:43 AM
Marj in Southeastern PA
Custom-fit Software meets in St. Davids, Tues., Feb. 14
Friends, on Tuesday, Feb. 14, from about 10:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., we'll meet in St. Davids to compare notes on improving the results of our garment sewing by using custom-fit software to draft patterns. This meeting, we'll see how changing body weights and sizes (suffer or rejoice!) may be incorporated in existing patterns or even used to "remake" favorite clothes.

We'll consider what kinds of changes require only simple "tweaks" to measurement charts and what changes require new measurements to fit today's shapes: your granddaughter has morphed into a teen with "curves"; your best dinner-out clothes are draggin'; your once-or-twice-a-year traveling outfits don't fit you now. How can custom-fit software help you remake garment favorites or make new versions that reflect "the new you"?

As usual, we'll go to a local diner for quiche-soup-and-salad favorites or for whatever takes your fancy.

You're welcome to join us if you own any kind of custom-fit software (My Pattern Designer? Garment Designer? DressShop? Wild Ginger?), if you'd like to explore using software to improve your garment fit, or if you'd just like to "talk sewing" with friends.

Our St. Daivds location is close to the driving intersection of Rte. 30 and I 476 and just a short walk of the St. Davids train station on the Paoli-Thorndale train line. If you need directions please email

Marj in Southeastern PA
DS Pro everything
MPD Pro current